Our story is simple — Based in Reno, Nevada, Reno Techs is a full-scale, integrated information technology (IIT) and software development company. Because of our intimate size, we can deliver personable customer service and highly individualized solutions. Since 2008, we have been building lasting partnerships and helping companies and established brands reimagine their business through digitalization.

Eclectic team
of 50+
  • 8 business analysts
  • 5 project managers
  • 20 software engineers
  • 5 web designers
  • 5 UX consultants
  • 9 community managers
Average work experience
Countries served
Projects completed
In business since
  • Adaptable to Different Time Zones
  • Dedicated Delivery Manager
  • Secured & 100% Non Disclosure Policy
  • Technology Driven Solutions
  • Project Infrastructure Refinement
  • Transparency & Integrity
  • Responsive Communication via Slack, JIRA and Trello

We Love Working With…

We work with a diverse amount of companies that vary in size as well as industry, and proudly deliver custom-made solutions for our clients that are user-centric, optimized, and aesthetically pleasing too!


We help early-stage companies build better products. Before jumping into product development, we deliver proof-of-concept, giving you the confidence to pitch your ideas to stakeholders. We’ll provide insights on business and technical feasibility through prototyping and the development of an MVP so that you can focus on your business goals.


We see your product’s potential, and we’ll back it with our software development and customization expertise. Our framework is designed to help you gain full visibility and control of your business to reduce production costs, increase profit margins, and leverage data to inform intelligent business decisions.


Even mature enterprises need a face-lift sometimes. We’ll help you cut operational burdens by first analyzing the pain points presented by legal systems. After an initial evaluation, we’ll integrate new solutions or simplify existing systems. This will help you on your journey in sustaining cash flow, cutting TCO costs, while keeping your product young and fresh with our software upgradation, optimization, reengineering, as well as migration services.

Let’s Talk About Your Idea

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